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En Chantier n°6 : Hommage à Martin Luther King

Un travail de la 4ème AB du collège Philippe de Commynes à Tours



Un émission de radio en anglais : les élèves de 4ème participent à la radio du collège, Phil FM. Avec leur professeur Mme Marchand, ils ont fait une émission sur Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King

Voici le texte de notre émission :

Martin Luther King
Le questionnaire :
- Who are we going to talk about ?
- Martin Luther King.
- When was he born ?
- He was born in 1929 in Atlanta.
- How long ago did he die ?
- He died forty years ago.
- What was he former job ?
- He was a Bapstist pastor.
- When did he give his most famous speech «I have a dream» ?
- He gave it on the 28th of august 1963.
- What did he do for the Blacks in America?
- He optained the same rights for the Blacks as for the Whites.
- By the way, did he have any children ?
- Of course , yes he had four.
- What prize was he awarded ?
- He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
- Why was he assassinated ?
- Because he fought for the black cause.
- When did he die ?
- He died on the 4th of april 1968.
- Where was he assassinated ?
- In Memphis, Tennessee, at the age of 39.
- Who was Rosa Parks ?
- It is the black woman , who refused to give her seat to a white, in a bus

Conclusion :

Les collégiens des classes de 4A & 4B du collège Philippe de Commynes à TOURS ont aussi un rêve.
- I have dream too.
- What is the dream of the pupils of the Collège Philippe de Commynes ?
- What is your dream ?
- My dream is for more tollerance , less pollution, no more racism, more freedom, no more wars, more music and less silence, more harmony and softness.


Pour écouter l'émission de la 4ème AB, allez sur le site de la radio du collège Phil FM

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